“Members [of a diabetic support group] considered the talk [from SIGN volunteers] worthwhile, most hadn’t heard of the organisation. They were interested in the publications.”
“If we were given these [patient versions of guidelines] we would need to see our GP less because we would know how to look after ourselves – Patient with diabetes
“Using the patient version serves to let people know that there are nationally agreed interventions available.” – Healthcare professional involved with SIGN
This chapter focuses on ways in which recommendations from guidelines can be promoted to maximise impact on patient care. It describes ways that patients, the public and organisations can be involved in guideline dissemination and implementation strategies. It aims to describe who to involve in this process and how they can be involved in planning and delivery of dissemination and implementation strategies. It does not give guidance or advice on how to implement guidelines.
The chapter highlights a wealth of examples from guideline developers and other organisations on involving patients and the public in the dissemination and implementation of guidelines.
There are no additional resources for this chapter.