Karen DiValerio Gibbs, PhD, MSN/MPH, RN, CPN, is a pediatric nurse and guideline and evidence synthesis methodologist for Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Global Hematology/Oncology Pediatric Excellence (Global HOPE).

She earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Texas at Austin, a dual Master of Science in Public Health Nursing and Master’s degree in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University, and a PhD in nursing and post-master’s certificate in nursing education from the University of Texas Health Science Center Cizik School of Nursing. Prior to joining Global HOPE, she had worked at Texas Children’s Hospital in acute care nursing quality, guideline development and system quality improvement, and she has 10 years of guideline development and quality improvement experience.

In her current role with Global HOPE, she works with pediatric multidisciplinary teams in sub-Saharan Africa to develop guidelines for cancer care and teach quality improvement to implement those guidelines to improve outcomes. In addition to her Global HOPE work, she also serves as an associate editor for the Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children and Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric textbooks. She has been an active member of Guidelines International Network, the GRADE Working Group, the International Society of Pediatric Oncology, and the Cochrane US Health Equity Mentorship Program.