Deana Manassaram-Baptiste, PhD, MPH.

Deana Baptiste is an Epidemiologist and the Sr. Director of Cancer Screening Guideline
Development at the American Cancer Society (ACS). In her current role she serves as a
methodologist for the development of the ACS evidence-based cancer screening guidelines.
Additionally, she provides subject matter expertise and support for the ACS cancer screening,
prevention, and control initiatives. She is also an adjunct professor at the Morehouse School of
Medicine, Public Health Program where she lectures on topics in epidemiology and cancer
prevention and control.

Dr Baptiste started her career with the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and
served as an Epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center
for Environmental Health, and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Her
previous work included designing and conducting studies on cancer and environmental
exposures, environmental hazard assessments, and cancer cluster investigations.
Deana is the current chair of the Guidelines International Network (GIN) North America
region steering committee and the GIN membership committee.