Chief Executive Officer, Computable Publishing LLC
President, Scientific Knowledge Accelerator Foundation
In 1995, Dr. Alper founded DynaMed, an evidence-based clinical reference, with the mission to provide the most useful information to health care professionals at the point-of-care. Dr. Alper’s mission expanded to provide the most useful support for healthcare decision making. Dr. Alper has advanced evidence-based medicine methods through systems to support rapid development of high-quality guidelines with limited resources (RAPADAPTE), modernized models to organize evidence and guidance for searches for clinical use (EBHC Pyramid 5.0), and defined certainty of net benefit as a focal point for what matters in healthcare decision making. In 2019, Dr. Alper developed a novel method to evaluate inconsistency across clinical practice guidelines.
In 2018, Dr. Alper started extending the HL7® FHIR® standard for computable and interoperable expression of evidence and statistics (EBMonFHIR project). Pandemic-level demands for knowledge support led Dr. Alper to change his lifetime mission to enable standard-based machine-interpretable expression of knowledge, especially related to healthcare and scientific evidence. This has led to creating Computable Publishing LLC (a for-profit company to create supporting technology), Scientific Knowledge Accelerator Foundation (a non-profit charity), Health Evidence Knowledge Accelerator (open virtual meetings with 10+ working groups), Evidence Based Medicine on FHIR Implementation Guide (covering original research, evidence synthesis, and guideline development), Scientific Evidence Code System (terminology for study design, risk of bias, and statistics), and the FEvIR Platform (system to facilitate data exchange for scientific knowledge).