Dr. Qaseem is trained as a physician, health economist, methodologist, clinical epidemiologist,
and a leader. He heads the American College of Physicians’ evidence-based medicine program,
Centers for Evidence Reviews, and Clinical Guidelines, oldest program in the United States. Dr.
Qaseem also leads ACP’s Quality Indicators, Performance Measures, and Population Health
programs. He directs ACP’s high value care and cost effectiveness efforts evaluating and
publishing the benefits, harms, and costs of various overused, misused, and underused
diagnostic tests and therapeutic interventions. He is one of the founding members of Cochrane
US Network and is a member of the executive committee. Dr. Qaseem’s work includes
development and implementation of ACP’s quality improvement programs. Dr. Qaseem’s is also
involved in clinical care and research addressing priority populations, elderly, women, multiple
chronic conditions, end of life care, genetics, and determinants of health.
Dr. Qaseem has led and participated in decisions varying from organizational level strategies to
national level clinical priorities and policies in the United States and other countries. Dr.
Qaseem has also been involved in multiple international collaborations to develop health
policy, assess and evaluate quality of care, and develop quality improvement strategies and
programs in countries in Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. Dr.
Qaseem has published extensively in peer reviewed journals, of which over 150 papers were
published in the top 5 medical journals in the world on topics such as clinical guidelines,
methods for developing guidelines, pandemic crisis, quality improvement, performance
measures, population health, and health policy related issues. Some of the papers authored by
Dr. Qaseem are in the top ten most read articles in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Dr Qaseem
has an h-index of 76. He has been invited to speak as a keynote speaker and has presented at
several national and international conferences on issues related to health policy, evidence
based medicine, population and public health, guideline development, guideline and evidence
grading, performance measurement, and quality of care.
Dr. Qaseem has been interviewed for his expertise by journalists from TV, Radio, and
Print/Internet for many high-profile media outlets such as BBC, CNN, NBC, Reuters, the
Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal to name a few. Dr. Qaseem
brings over 20 years of experience that includes working on different types of boards and
committees, including governance boards, of various national and international organizations.
This includes European Commission, World Health Organization, Cochrane, GRADE Working
Group, Guidelines International Network, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), National
Quality Forum, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Physician Consortium for
Performance Improvement, and Health Level Seven International (HL7)/FHIR.