Abstract Submission for GIN 2022 is now closed!
Submit your abstract here.
1. Equity and Guidelines
This theme covers how to best integrate diverse stakeholders to develop guidelines that are attentive to issues of equity and applicable to diverse populations (gender, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic).
Sub themes:
- Equity in guidelines
- Considerations of the big picture: how to consider planetary health (including the environment and climate) in guidelines
- Consideration of diverse populations in risk assessment (race in recommendations)
2. Efficiency in Guideline Development
This theme will include issues around rapid development, updating, and adaptation of guidelines. Relevant topics might cover use of existing systematic reviews, automated surveillance of new evidence, health technology assessments (HTA), machine learning, and collaboration. What are the challenges and advances with integration of information that is generated through routine and diverse data, machine learning and artificial intelligence?
Sub themes:
- Education and training in guidelines
- Competences and skills of guidelines specialists/developers
- Collaboration across disciplines: HTA, quality improvement, policy making, coverage decisions etc.
- Efficiency in guideline development, guideline adaptation and collaboration across different disciplines
- Innovative solutions to guideline implementation
- Living recommendations, Rapid guidelines
- Priority setting in guidelines
- “Real world evidence” and what it is not
This theme covers the use of using data/information/recommendation visualization and other technology to convey the status of available evidence and to promote dissemination and implementation of guideline recommendations.
Sub Themes:
- Knowledge translation, use and communication of evidence through visualization and technology
- Integration of all types of relevant data (e.g., non-randomised, pre-clinical studies, big data)
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence
- Visualisation of data and recommendations
- Science communication
4. “Guidelines Without Borders”: developing recommendations to guide care globally
This theme will deal with challenges of developing high quality guidelines that are applicable to a wide variety of settings rather than to specific locale. Other issues relevant to this theme are whether and how to incorporate socio-environmental considerations when developing clinical guidelines.
Sub Themes:
- Guidelines without boarders: Global guidelines – quality and implementation
- Public Health Guidelines
- Transferability of guidelines/collaboration/adapation
5. Choice or decision: Transparency
Recommendations should be based on transparent links between the evidence and recommendations and the decisions. However, both terms “recommendation” and “decisions” ignore the focus on the target populations being informed and making choices between different options. In this session we want to bridge to making an informed choice with providing better information in recommendations and making sure those who are the target audience of the recommendation really understand it
Sub Themes:
- Choice or decision: Transparency in guidelines and their implementation
- Fraud in guidelines
- Public consultation, private sector, engagement and involvement, co-creation
- Conflict of interest
- Diagnostic guidelines
- GRADE innovations
- Health Policy based on guidelines
- Health technology assessment, health economics and modelling
- Legal issues in guideline development
- Multiple intervention comparison in guidelines – making a recommendation for the best intervention
- People important outcomes: harmonizing in research, evidence synthesis, HTA and guidelines
- Quality improvement – recommendation based QA
- Research waste in Guidelines production
- Qualitative evidence in guidelines – when and how
- Stakeholder involvement (patients, consumers and the public, government, practitioners, policy makers and health managers, researchers and research funders)
Information on the submission process:
Presentation Types
Long Oral: A spoken presentation, including introduction, question, and answer time. Presenters display the research and/or findings of their accepted abstract in a PowerPoint presentation. (10-minute presentation plus 5-minute Q&A).
Short Oral: A spoken presentation, including introduction, question, and answer time. Presenters display the research and/or findings of their accepted abstract in a PowerPoint presentation. (6-minute presentation plus 2-minute Q&A).
Poster: The Conference will dedicate an allotted time for poster presentations, with opportunity for audience participation and enquiry.
Workshop: Interactive workshops will be either 45 or 90 minutes long, and must be aligned with the Conference theme. Workshops can also be focused on problem-solving, where participants are split into groups to address difficult problems and then report back at the end of the workshop.
Panel sessions: Thematically jointly focused spoken presentation, including introduction, question, and answer time. Presenters display the research and/or findings of their accepted abstract in a PowerPoint presentation. (10-minute presentation plus 5-minute Q&A) up to 5 presenters.
Abstract Headings:
- Background / objective / methods / results / discussion for scientific abstracts
- Background / objective / methods and future prospects for project presentations
- Background / objective / format (including interactive elements) for workshops
- Background / objective / content of presentations for panel sessions
Key Dates
Registration opens – February 10
Call for Abstracts opens – February 10
Abstract submission closes – April 25
Notifications of Abstract Acceptance – May 26
Early Bird Registration closes – June 22
Author confirmation/registration deadline – June 22
Terms & Conditions
The submission of an abstract indicates an understanding of the following rules for participation in the conference.
- All author(s) approve submitting this work for presentation.
- The author(s) transfer(s) all copyright ownership of the named abstract to GIN 2022 Conference.
- The author(s) agree(s) to materially confine their presentations to information in the abstract if accepted for presentation. If an author has more than one abstract accepted, each presentation will be materially confined to the information in the abstract selected for the authors about the status of the abstract.
- Submission of the abstract constitutes consent of all authors of the abstract to publication (e.g, GIN website, programmes and other promotions).
- All authors of the abstract warrant and represent that they either are the sole owners of or have all necessary rights to sublicense all the information and content in the abstract provided to GIN and its organisers, and that publication of the abstract does not infringe any rights, including but not limited to, intellectual property rights, or of any third parties.
- GIN 2022 reserves the right to remove from any publication any abstract that does not comply with the above.
Please direct all registration enquiries here.