My background is in biomedical research (infectious diseases, virology, bacteriology, immunology, biotechnology). After my Ph. D. in medical biology (1999, Bordeaux University), I have managed several research projects at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research and bio engineering schools.
In 2005, I joined The French National Authority for Health (HAS). From 2005 to 2011 I worked for its health technology assessment (HTA) department and performed several devices and procedures assessments. During this period, I was particularly interested in the medical innovation field. I’ve been involved in the International Information Network on New and Emerging Health Technologies (EuroScan) whose aim is to share information and development of methods for the early identification and assessment of new health-related technologies.
In 2012, I joined the HAS office of guideline development. I have managed more than 17 clinical practice guidelines and rapid guidelines in different fields (diabetology, enhanced recovery after surgery, gynaecology, cancerology, mental health,). One part my role is to develop new tools and methods to improve the development and dissemination of the evidence-based guidelines: updating guidelines, adaptation and developing guidelines in an accelerated way. In this context, I have been a co-founder of the Accelerated Guideline Development Working Group to provide a method for helping the GIN members to develop guidelines in an accelerated time frame without losing in scientific quality.
During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, I managed with my team a specific method to provide urgently requested guidelines (“réponses rapides -covid-19”) to support decision making by ministry of health and medical teams in different fields: diagnostic tests (rt-PCR, serologic tests), chronic disease management during lockdown, pregnancy management, rehabilitation management in the intensive care unit, health mental, teleconsultation… This unprecedented pace of development of guidelines for Covid 19 reiterated my determination to participate in the efforts of the international community to doing better in the care delivery.