Ivan is a Pediatrician, with a Master in Clinical Epidemiology, and a Ph.D. in Health Research Methodology from McMaster University. Associate Professor at the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Antioquia (Medellin, Colombia) and Assistant Professor (Part-Time) at McMaster University (Canada). Former Deputy Director of Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) for the Health Technology Assessment Agency of Colombia (IETS).
Dr. Ivan Florez is the current Leader of the AGREE Collaboration, is an Academic/Associate Editor for Systematic Reviews and PlosONE journals, is the Co-chair of the Recommending Working group for the COVID-END initiative, and the Director of Cochrane Colombia. He is also a member of Cochrane’s Conflicts of Interests panel since 2020. His research has focused on CPG (development and implementation methods), Knowledge Synthesis (Systematic reviews, and Network Meta-analysis), Pediatrics, Childhood Gastroenteritis, and conflicts of interests.