Dr Per Olav Vandvik is a hospital-based internist and health research methodologist based in Oslo, Norway. He is also Professor of Medicine at the University of Oslo. His academic interests focus on evidence synthesis, appraisal, guideline methodology, dissemination, access and use at the point of care, to enhance evidence-based practice and shared decision-making.
Dr Vandvik is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of the MAGIC Evidence Ecosystem Foundation (MAGIC, www.magigevidence.org), a non-profit organization supporting development of digitally structured guidelines, evidence summaries and decision aids to clinicians and patients through the MAGIC online authoring and publication platform (www.magicapp.org). On behalf of MAGIC, he also co-steers the BMJ Rapid Recommendations, an international collaboration with the BMJ to accelerate evidence into practice through trustworthy recommendations. Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and infodemic, Dr.Vandvik and MAGIC is devoted to providing solutions to critical challenges with clinical practice guidelines, through trustworthy and living evidence and guidance. Under the leadership of Dr.Vandvik, MAGIC provides methodological support, MAGICapp and BMJ Rapid Recommendations for the WHO living guideline on COVID-19 drugs. Dr. Vandvik was a Trustee of the Board for the Guideline International Network (G-I-N) from 2014 until 2020 and has recently led their Webinar committee resulting in 4 presentations focused on the COVID-19 pandemic. He is also co-chair of the Working Group for Guidelines and HTA in COVID-END that involves more than 60 partner organisations.