, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D., FRCPC
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and of Medicine, Departments of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact and of Medicine
Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases, Research Methods and Recommendations
Director, Cochrane Canada and McMaster GRADE Centre
McMaster University Health Sciences Centre, Room Area 2C
1280 Main Street West, 2C area, Hamilton, ON L8N 4K1, Canada
Email: schuneh@mcmaster.ca
Personal webpage: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=Afw4UDAAAAAJ&hl=en
He is a tenured professor in the Departments of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact and of Medicine at McMaster University with a part-time appointment at Humanitas University in Milan, Italy. From 2009 to 2019, he completed his two terms as Chair of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McMaster University, widely considered the birthplace of evidence-based health care. He had trained in respiratory and exercise physiology and internal and respiratory medicine at the Medical School of Hannover (MD in 1993 & Dr. med. in 1994) and lung biology, epidemiology, internal medicine and preventive medicine/public health at the University at Buffalo (UB), State of New York (M.Sc. Epidemiology in 1997; Ph.D. Epidemiology & Community Medicine in 2000). He was on faculty at UB and, from 2007 to 2009, interim Chair of Epidemiology at the National Cancer Institute in Rome, Italy.
Since 2000, he helped reshaping of methodology for guideline development spanning clinical medicine to public health and contributed methodologically and practically to knowledge synthesis research, foremost through his co-leadership of the GRADE working group (www.gradeworkinggroup.org) that he co-chairs. As author of over 800 peer-reviewed publications (h-index 180/115 google scholar/web of science) he is among the 500 most cited scientists globally and among the top 10 in medicine in Canada (www.webometrics.info & www.research.com). He has been advisor and chair of many guideline expert groups for WHO, the European Commission, ministries of health, other governmental organizations and professional societies. He is director of Cochrane Canada and the McMaster GRADE center. Maintaining an active internal medicine practice fulfills his passion for patient care and ensures his research is people-oriented.