Ezio Távora is the Community Engagement Projects Coordinator of the Brazilian TB Research Network (REDE-TB)

Ezio Tavora dos Santos Filho, Brazilian, holds a PhD in Health Policies by the Medical School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, a master’s in international Relations (IRI-Pontifical Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro), and is a Lawyer by formation (Law School, Rio de Janeiro State University). As a member of the Brazilian TB Research Network, REDE-TB, he coordinates the STREAM study Community Engagement (CE) component, as well as the SimpliciTB study CAB in Brazil and the TB Alliance CE Forum. He is a member of the WHO-CSTF (Civil Society Task Force), an Emeritus member of the Global TB CAB and is a co-founder of the Brazilian National TB CAB. He serves as a consultant for PAHO and has served as a member of the Brazilian Technical Advisory Committee for the NTP; at the Coordinating Board of the Global Fund and the Stop TB Partnership; the AMRO Regional Green Light Committee; of the Community Research Advisory Board of the CDC’s Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (TBTC).